When I needed you to the most,
you were not there to hold on to me~
Happy 1 month-sary to my beloved baby. I'm sorry I was screaming at you when I was utterly upset with myself. I guess I was too obsessed with the thoughts that I got withdrawn from my courses due to excessive absences yet my Geopolitic teacher was kind enough to tell me that I can get tutored by her on any other days if I have any questions with Geopolitics. I felt so guilty for skipping her classes even though I didn't mean to do so as I had so many attacks :( It wasn't a HAPPY month-sary after all for Baby and I. I'm so sorry. But in the end you fell asleep *GUILTY* is imprinted on your head!! Hmphs :* I don't care.
However, I know you did feel super duper guilty about it. It's okay. I still love you. *sigh* I've been crying so much since I've talked to my teacher. She's right...she cares so much about me yet I can't do anything except to do well in my Geopolitic Media Journal and exam :D
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