Thursday, 4 November 2010


In their hearts they will keep, the memories of you that was so sweet~
For the tears that they have shed, the love they will no longer have...
They saw your smile for one last time, before it was time to bid goodbye.
May you rest in peace, in the warmth embrace of the lord.
Rest In Peace, Darren Ng Wei Jie.


They said many were hypocrites about his departure. But what do they know when it comes to the feelings of his loved ones? Yes, many of us doesn't know him; neither do I even though he looks utterly familiar to me. He was my god bro's friend & brother. It isn't a matter of whether you're in a gang or not in a gang. It is a matter that people doesn't know how to think when they are stuck in a heated arguments~ they get impulsive and rational; they use their fists instead of talking out nicely. Violence can't be prevented, neither can death be~ We all criticize one another for the things we can't comprehend, we criticize the things that we thought it was right but some people think its wrong.

They define gangsters as people with tattoos, colored long hair, weird hairstyles and by the way they look. But tattoo is an ART, it defines people however the way they wished to be defined as; so why should we judge? Everyone make mistakes in life, we learn and we repent from it. We take every lesson learnt as an experience to be used in the future. Everyone has their rights to choose which path to walk on, which path to take~ In reports, they wrote how he retaliates against his attackers with words of anger and it taunted them. But how could we comprehend whether it is the truth or is it being exaggerated? Only the people on the scene would know and so does God. We live our lives with the fear of getting attacked or hurt, we live our lives with tears and angers. Life is full of variables.

No matter how heated an argument is, there's no needs of violence~ whether with fists or with weapons!


Well let's stop with the depressing rants~ French examination is over!! No more language classes~ finally I have the time to concentrate on my F&B assignment, Room Division project, Geopolitic media journal and PDAS (Portfolio) which I have been neglecting badly due to my weak health. So much to do, so little time left!! 1 more month left till the end of the semester; less than 2 more weeks I have to hand-in my assignments. 52 more days till I'm back in Singapore~ I'm totally elated as I get to see my BABY :D & I will be able to see my beloved friends!! Had so much going on today~ an event held by our school whereby it was for HDA & La Residence's residence to have a gathering with each other for the sake of relieving ourselves away from the books and lectures!!! Drank 2 bottles of beer but I ate 10 slices of pizzas or maybe I ate more I don't remember. However, I'm sad to admit that I'm still hungry after all the gulping down on those delicious pizzas :*

Haven't been talking much to Baby today. It is kinda upsetting to me but it's alright after all as I know he is trying his best all the time to make me happy so that I wouldn't have constant attacks :) He always thought of the best for me, he always try to make me smile and laugh~ I'm really glad that I've finally settled down for once after such a long while. I miss him badly and have not seen him for a long period of time (okay, I pretty much exaggerate a little as it has been two days, nearly three) I don't like the thoughts of not being able to see him. Yes I do agree long distance relationship is really hard to maintain but we're trying hard :D &I know I love him very much.

That's all for now.
Have a pleasant day ahead to peeps in Singapore~ Good morning :D
Have a good night to peeps in Switzerland~!! Bonne nuit.

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